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Introducing Dashboard Reporting: Turn Data into Insights

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Curran Boomer, Senior Growth Marketing Manager
Last updated on

Savvy executives understand that a real estate investment is only as strong as the data that informs it. However, at many investment firms, it’s hard for executives to get their hands on relevant data—much less turn it into insights that can drive better investment decisions. The end result is that many decision makers are essentially flying blind. 

In some cases, data doesn’t exist at all. And when it does exist, it’s often unstructured and decentralized, scattered across multiple spreadsheets and email threads. Teams waste valuable time compiling reports when they could be driving value for the business, and executives have to wait to get answers to their questions—if they get them at all. Most of all, executives lose the ability to be proactive and independently spot red flags. 

Dealpath solves this problem by standardizing data in a centralized source of truth, making it easy to leverage for better decision-making. And with the launch of our latest feature, Dashboard Reporting, it’s easier than ever to translate data into insights that drive the business forward.

Why You’ll Love Dashboards

Create Customizable Dashboards 

With Dashboard Reporting, you can set up customizable dashboards that surface only the information you care about. Want a bird’s-eye view into overall business metrics? Want to drill down into your pipeline for a particular sector or region? You can accomplish both with ease. Dashboards are completely flexible, so you can surface only the data you care about.

Be Proactive With Data

Gone are the days of having to wait for data to be corralled and reports assembled. With Dashboard Reporting, the latest data is always accessible. And when a change is made to data in Dealpath, it’s reflected in your dashboards instantaneously. Now you can quickly answer questions, investigate trends, and spot red flags without having to ask your team to put together a report.

Bring Data to Life With Visualizations

It can be difficult to spot trends just from looking at raw data. Now you can customize your reports with a range of data visualizations, from bar charts to pie graphs to tables and more. This ensures you can maximize insight by consuming data in your preferred format. You can also apply filters to both entire dashboards and individual visualizations, so you can be sure you’re looking at the most relevant data. 

Save Time on Reporting 

Your team can cross reporting off their weekly to-do lists. Set up dashboards once, and up-to-date information will always be there. Dashboards can be shared with the whole team and even with people outside the company, so you can seamlessly keep everyone in the loop.

How You Can Use Dashboard Reporting

With its flexibility and customization options, there’s almost no limit to the different ways you can use Dashboard Reporting, but here are a few ideas to get you started:

Deal Pipeline

Track in-progress deals, whether for acquisitions, loans, or development deals. See where your pipeline stands at a glance and understand how it breaks down according to property type, region, strategy, and more.

track in progress deals

Deal Execution

Improve the efficiency of your deal execution and keep your team moving toward their goals–and possibly even eliminate meetings. Highlight key milestones across deals, and how long deals have stayed in each stage to identify parts of the pipeline that can be improved.

Assets or Portfolio 

Keep tabs on the composition and exposure of your portfolio of owned assets or funded loans. For example, you could break out a portfolio of funded loans by sponsor, region, type of collateralized property, or interest rate type to make sure your portfolio stays within your risk profile. 

owned asset or portfolio exposure

Overall Business 

Track important metrics across different teams or business units for a picture of overall business performance. For example, you can combine your acquisition pipeline and owned assets in one dashboard, or view your equity acquisition and debt pipelines side-by-side.

Personal Pipeline 

Create personal dashboards that are only visible to you, where you can track deals you’re personally responsible for and stay ahead of any upcoming deadlines.

Request a Demo to Turn Data Into Insights With Dealpath

Request a demo of Dealpath to learn how organizing your data can unlock insight for your business. 


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