Capture More Deal Data Faster With AI Extract See How
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Capture Every OM At 90 % Accuracy With AI Extract See How

Introducing AI Extract

introducing ai extract

We’re excited to announce the launch of AI Extract—a new data extraction capability in Dealpath powered by AI. All real estate investment firms understand that data is key to decision making. However, a lot of valuable data is trapped inside of PDFs. That means teams either sink hours of time into manual data entry, or […]

Introducing Dashboard Reporting: Turn Data into Insights

introducing dashboards

Savvy executives understand that a real estate investment is only as strong as the data that informs it. However, at many investment firms, it’s hard for executives to get their hands on relevant data—much less turn it into insights that can drive better investment decisions. The end result is that many decision makers are essentially […]

Introducing Conversations: Bring Discussion Into Dealpath

At the average CRE firm, collaboration takes place across a range of channels—emails, meetings, chats, spreadsheets, documents, project management tools, in-office dialogue, and even the occasional printout. But fractured communication has hidden costs. People are left out of the loop, inadvertently make decisions using out-of-date data, and it can take days to answer simple questions.  […]

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